Monday 13 July 2009

I'm back! With lots of news.

Hi everyone, I'm back from America! I had a great time. I managed to control myself at Black Sheep Gathering and not go overboard, but it was very hard. So many lovely braids of fibre; dozens of wheels; even a 16 inch electric drumcarder!! I restrained myself and only got three braids of fibre.

I have some BIG news though. I will be moving to America next year! Our house is a flurry of activity at the moment, mostly related to reducing our belongings before putting them all on a big ship across the ocean. To that end I am running a Super Sheepy Sale at Sheepshape Spinning, from now until...who knows? Until the truck comes to take our stuff away. Could be a few months from now. Could be sooner!

If something isn't on sale and you're feeling tempted, send me a message - I might add it to the sale!

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